2025 Awards
We encourage you to nominate your peers who shine and deserve recognition.
Application Acceptance is now OPEN
Important Dates
September 1: Awards/Scholarship Applications Open
December 31: Awards/Scholarship Applications Deadline
February 7: Recipient Notification
June 2025: Awards Presented at WOCNext in Orlanda, FL
Nurse of the Year
Nominee Criteria:
- Current active member of the Southeast Chapter of the WOCN® Society - (Member of the WOCN®Society with SEC selected as your region)
- Engaged in clinical practice of wound, ostomy, continence or foot care nursing
- Certified by the WOCNCB® in one of the following: wound, ostomy, continence and/or foot care
- Endorsed by one or more peers for recognition status
- Current board members are not eligible for this award
All information potentially identifying the nominee will be redacted for an impartial blind vote by the Southeast Region board of directors.
Rookie of the Year
Nominee Criteria:
- Current active member of the Southeast Chapter of the WOCN® Society - (Member of the WOCN®Society with SEC selected as your region)
- Engaged in clinical practice of wound, ostomy, continence or foot care nursing for less than 2 years
- Certified by the WOCNCB® in one of the following: wound, ostomy, continence and/or foot care
- Endorsed by one or more peers for recognition status
- Current board members are not eligible for this award
All information potentially identifying the nominee will be redacted for an impartial blind vote by the Southeast Chapter board of directors.
State Recognition
Nominee is chosen by the host state committee. Information to be sent to Donna Byfield, the Director of Awards, by deadline listed above.
Since WOCNext is collaborating with the Southeast Chapter for 2025, the State Recognition Award will not be given in 2025. This award will resume in 2026 for South Carolina.
Prior Year Awardees
Go to Past Conferences to see prior year awardees..