Chapter Liaison (formerly Director of Special Projects):
Term: 2 years
Elected: Odd Years
The Chapter Liaison is a voting member of the Board. Duties of this office will be established by the Board and located in the Position-Specific Duties of the SEC of the WOCN® Society Leadership document. The Chapter Liaison shall evaluate membership interests and develop strategic plans for the SEC of the WOCN® Society. Facilitate communication between the members of the Region and Leadership.
Submit a Budget Request form for anticipated committee expenses to the Treasurer at the Winter board meeting for incorporation into the budget proposal.
The Board will meet twice a year, once at the Winter board meeting and again at the Annual Conference. Unless otherwise excused in advance by the President, attendance is mandatory.
Collaborates with and assists the Annual Conference Poster Chairperson.
Coordinates the review and presents awards for the posters at the Annual Conference Poster Session.
Participates in special projects in the interest of supporting the competent practice of wound/ostomy/continence and foot care.
Acts as the channel communication between the Chapter and WOCN® National.
Serves as bylaw chairperson and is responsible for maintaining the bylaws.
Serves as parliamentarian.