
Term: 2 years

Elected: Even Years as President-Elect


The President shall serve as the chief executive officer. The President shall also serve as a member ex-officio, with the right to vote on all committees except the Nominations Committee. The President shall make all required appointments of standing committee chairpersons and special committees with the collaboration of the Board of Directors (Board).

The President shall perform such other duties as are necessary to the office of President or as may be described by the Board. The President shall serve one year as a nonvoting advisor, as needed, to the Board of Directors upon completion of the term of office with the title of Past President. Meeting and conference attendance is not required and will not be supported.

Together, the Treasurer and the President shall approve all checks or drafts of the SER of the WOCN Society.

The President shall appoint a parliamentarian.

The President shall be chairman of and preside at all meetings of the Board.


*duties as detailed in SER of the WOCN® Society Board of Directors Manual, as revised Feb. 2020.