Term: 2 years
Elected: Odd Years
The Secretary shall record all votes and minutes of all proceedings. The Secretary shall record decisions of the Board, review minutes and assure distribution to the Board and membership. The Secretary shall communicate with the Board regarding execution of other secretarial duties. The Secretary shall serve as membership chairperson and shall oversee all membership records.
Maintain records of Board Conflict of Interest statements and notify the President of any potential conflicts prior to voting on issues that may be affected by potential conflicts.
Submit a Budget Request form for anticipated expenses to the Treasurer at the Winter board meeting for incorporation into the budget proposal.
The Board will twice a year, once at the Winter board meeting and again at the Annual Conference. Unless otherwise excused in advance by the President, attendance is mandatory.
Prepare and send welcome letters to new graduates of regional WOC nursing education accredited programs (WOCNEP) and new SEC Chapter members of the WOCN® Society.
Shall perform all official correspondence from the Board as may be prescribed by the Board or the President.